Meet the Celebrations Committee

The Celebrations Committee operates under the authority of Wellesley Select Board as an Appointed Standing Committee.

The town of Wellesley operates a Celebrations Committee consisting of 12 residents appointed by the Select Board. Two members of the Committee shall be members of the Wellesley Veterans’ Council. The Committee shall plan and carry out a proper observance of the annual Town Veterans Celebration and such other events as the Select Board may designate.

Appointed Members of the Celebrations Committee

Roy Switzler, Chair
Carl Nelson, Treasurer

Mark Antonelli, Adele Beggs, James Bishop, Salvatore DeFazio, Dick Carls, Diane Duddy, Rowie Gray,
Ken Johnson, JoAnn Jones, Pete Jones, Carl Nelson


Mark Antonelli – Publicity Photographer
Jim Bishop – Secretary
Nancy Blanchard – Veterans Representative
Dick Carls – Parade Coordinator
Tory DeFazio III – MC & Coordinator
Diane Duddy – Telephone Coordinator
Stan Dunajski – Parade Coordinator
Rowie Gray – Administrative Coordinator, Concert Picnic Czar
Pam Grignaffini – Volunteer Coordinator
Ken Johnson – Parade Coordinator
JoAnn Jones – Resident Artist
Pete Jones – Parade Coordinator & Fund Raising
Harold Kaplan – Parade Coordinator
Steve Kehoe – Honoree Cars, Facebook Coordinator
Carl Nelson – Treasurer & Parade Coordinator
Chris Shedd – Picnic Field Czar
Beth Sullivan – Representative from Select Board
Royall H. Switzler – Chairman

May 18th & 19th, 2024