Picnic & Fireworks
As the largest gala of town-sponsored celebrations, we will honor the service to our country and community provided by our Wellesley residents.
About This Year’s Picnic and Fireworks

Events at Hunnewell Field
Don’t miss all the community events being held during Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend. Food & fun will be at Hunnewell Field.
The picnic games will start at 4:30 p.m.
The concert begins at 6 p.m. and the fireworks at Dusk.
See latest schedule posted here.
Safety is our primary concern. We will follow Covid Guidelines under the leadership of the Wellesley Public Health Department and the Select Board. Procedures will be well established at the time of the parade, picnic and fireworks especially given that the Boston Marathon will be held one week following our gatherings.
Vendor Information
Vendor booths of Wellesley community leaders will be a highlight of the picnic.