Wellesley has its own toy story.
It has nothing to do with Tom Hanks.
But probably at the Wellesley Toy Shop you might have found an old-fashioned pull-string cowboy doll named Woody or a modern space cadet action figure like Buzz Lightyear.
That’s why this year The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors the Wellesley Toy Shop on Central Street forSpecial Recognition.
Andy Brown founded Wellesley Toy Shop 30 years ago this June.
Moms and Dads have been grateful ever since.
They have a full selection of toys to delight people of all ages.
They are a small business where relationships are prized, and the staff know the families and help customers pick the right gift for each occasion. The store is happy to wrap gifts on request. The big box stores have come and gonebut the Wellesley Toy Shop has done it right the old-fashioned way. They know your name and what you need.
Thank you, Wellesley Toy Shop, you can find them at 59 Central St. Wellesley MA 02482.