Special Recognition Award – Deluxe Pizza

Many come to America to embody the permanent hope, the durable dream, of this nation: to build a better life for themselves and their children.

Many at Wellesley High School are glad Emmanuel Houlis has come to America. His satisfies their hunger.

Today we a proud to serve him. The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors Emmanuel Houlis and his Deluxe Pizza with its Special Recognition Award.

Emmanuel Houlis worked for many years at ABC Pizza until he had the opportunity to embark on the adventure of owning his own pizza house. He started a new pizza and sandwich shop on the same site, naming it Deluxe Pizza. Today Deluxe Pizza on Forest St is celebrating its 30th year in Wellesley. Located within a short walk from the high school, he has been a favorite of the high school community, residents, and those working in the area. Customer favorites include steak and cheese sub, tuna sandwiches, chicken parmesan, salad, and pizza.

Emmanuel was born in Greece and served as a police officer and Captain in the Greek Army. He immigrated to the US in 1973.

Millions of immigrants start life here and follow a dream. They were united by a golden thread of principle that everyone, if given a chance, could rise in the world and contribute to their country.

Emmanuel Hollis has contributed, he makes great pizza, and is a great addition to our town. Thank you and congratulations on this milestone anniversary in your business.

May 18th & 19th, 2024