Roche Bros. – Community Service Award

Roche Bros is just not an ordinary supermarket. In many ways it’s the heart as well as the breadbasket of our town.

Serving our community since 1952, it symbolizes some of the finest things: A local business that made good by independence, hard work, risk-taking and many hours of sacrifice.

This year, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors, Roche Bros for Community Service.

In October 1952, local brothers Pat and Bud Roche opened a 450 square foot meat market in Roslindale and filled it with their version of the American Dream.  From the very first day, they promised customers “the best meats sold anywhere” and service to match.

Roche Bros. has a long history of contributing wealth to its employees and supporting the community by giving back millions.

This year, Roche Bros. will reach an important milestone for its participation in Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend: the 25th year of sponsoring the annual fireworks for our community.

This support is consistent with their character.  Roche Bros. is proud to support local communities like Wellesley and have generously made charitable donations to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations located directly in the communities they serve, especially those which focus on hunger relief, youth (K-12) and community enrichment. They are welcoming to local youth and charitable non-profit organizations who seek to solicit donations outside the local Wellesley store. 

Roche Bros. started as a locally owned family company — and under the leadership of brothers Rick and Ed Roche, plans to stay that way. 

Thank you, Roche Bros. Your history and future are a tribute our town: Over the last 70 years, you have grown from a single meat market to one of the most distinguished supermarket chains in Massachusetts; and you continue to provide your customers with exceptional customer centric service, quality offerings, and community partnership.

May 17th & 18th, 2025