They ran down Milk Street and onto Griffith’s Wharf. Climbed aboard the Dartmouth. Chopped open its tea chests and hurled the tea into the harbor.
The world had changed. The American revolution was on. This year we honor the bold leadership of America’s first patriots and celebrate the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
That’s why, this year, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors, a man of the sea Admiral Mauger for our Chief of Staff.
Rear Admiral Mauger assumed the duties of Commander, First Coast Guard District in May 2022.
He oversees all Coast Guard missions across eight states in the Northeast including over 2,000 miles of coastline from the U.S.-Canadian border to northern New Jersey and 1300 miles offshore.
Rear Admiral Mauger previously served as the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, responsible for the development of national policy, standards, and programs promoting Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Stewardship.
During prior flag assignments, he served as the Assistant Commandant for Capability, responsible for identifying and providing capabilities, competencies, and capacity along with developing standards for the staffing, training, equipping, sustaining, maintaining, and employing Coast Guard forces to meet mission requirements.
His staff tours include service as Chief of Commercial Vessel Security during the national response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and as an engineer at the Marine Safety Center and the Electronics Engineering Center.
This year Wellesley’s Celebrations Parade is an event like no other. Everyone should be proud that generations of our brave servicemen and servicewomen, from the last of our “Greatest Generation” heroes of World War II to veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq, will get the public thanks for their service that they deserve this year.
Thank you, Admiral Mauger, for all that you’ve done.