57th Annual Wellesley Veterans Parade

Parade Route

The parade starts at the intersection of Route 16 (Washington Street) and Route 9 and continues westbound along Route 16 (Washington St) to Wellesley Square.

Conduct & Rules for Parade Participants


Safety is our primary concern. We follow Covid Guidelines under the leadership of the Wellesley Public Health Department and the Select Board. 


If there is any question about the weather, please go to www.WellesleyWeekend.com to find out if weather prediction forces us to cancel the parade. We will also text, post on facebook and tweet units prior to 10 a.m. Please make sure that you provide us with your cell phone number for best communications. And, make sure that you sign up for tweets and facebook news. You may also telephone the main administrative number which will record rain information at 10 a.m. on parade day: 781-431-1019 x 2295.


The assembly area will be at the Wellesley Community Center, along Washington Street (Route 16), on Woodlawn Avenue, Elm Street or Croton Street, just east of Route 9 overpass. Assembly time is Noon. You will be provided with an alphabetical listing of the Line of March to find your unit’s assigned street location, numbered pole and position in line at the pole. There will also be traffic cones at each location to confirm your position.

Please note that there will be some units that are pulled into the parade from the Community Center or another location by parade officials, as their position in the parade gets to that spot (bands, etc.). No unit will be allowed to enter out of place!

After locating your start assembly position, you may receive instructions to close ranks prior to 1 p.m. When you begin to march you will remain 20 paces, or 30 feet, or two-three car lengths, behind the unit in front of you during parade march. Please note that if banner/carriers have been assigned to your unit there should be no space expected between the banner and your unit.


All vehicles delivering units to their assigned assembly position will enter the assembly area from an easterly direction, heading in the direction of the parade. After discharging units, proceed down the parade route to park along Central Street, beyond the finish line of the parade. Cars may park in the Wellesley Public Works yard at the start of the parade. (Entrance is off Woodlawn Avenue.) No band unit vehicles will be allowed in the line of march, unless of parade specialty type.


Floats must assemble by Noon at their assigned locations. Identified floats will be judged by Committee Representatives between Noon and 12:45 p.m.


Facilities are available at the Wellesley Community Center or the Friendly Aid Building, for those individuals who wish to dress or wash.


Please note that the Select Board, the Police Department and the Celebrations Committee have jointly determined that there is to be no throwing or dropping of candy FROM VEHICLES in the parade. For public safety purposes, candy should only be distributed by individuals walking along the side of the parade route, i.e., outside the path of vehicles.


Start on Washington Street (Route 16) at the Route 9 overpass, proceed up Washington Street, then on to Central Street (Route 135), turn right onto Crest Road and end at the Tailby Parking Lot about 100 feet after the Linden Street intersection. Route is approximately 2 miles long. All units are expected to continue to the end of the parade. Parade starts promptly at 1 p.m


Parade officials will be available and identified by their ORANGE VESTS and Nametags. Please adhere to whatever instructions they render.


All Military Units, Color/Honor Guards and Veterans Organizations will render a proper salute as they pass the Town Hall Memorial Site to honor those citizens who gave their lives in the service of our country. The War Memorial is located on the right side of the parade route in front of Town Hall.


The reviewing stand is on the left at the junction of Central Street and Washington Street. Proper salutes will be rendered to honored guests.


All marching units must maintain forward motion. Routines that cause gaps will not be permitted. No unit may stop forward motion to perform except in areas designated by The Wellesley Celebrations Committee. Performance stops may not last more than 90 seconds. If for any reason there is a large gap, marching units must increase their pace to close the gap. It will be preferred if you can play or perform as you proceed in front of the reviewing stand. Presentations at the reviewing stand must be no longer than one and a half minutes; you will be moved along if you go over that time limit. (Sorry! We cannot hold up the units behind you!)


There will be a yellow school bus as a SHUTTLE at the end of the parade route (Crest Road Bridge) that can take you back to the Wellesley Community Center if you need transportation to return there. Look for the SHUTTLE sign on the bus. Some participants leave a vehicle at the Tailby Lot (Wellesley Train Station lot entered from Linden Street) right over the Crest Road bridge. You may want to do that.


Please leave signage provided by the Committee at the Crest Road Bridge when you have completed the parade route.

Thanks to everyone for joining us. Have a good time!

Carl G. M. Nelson — Start of the Parade Leader &
Roy H. Switzler — Chairman

Call, text or email us if you have any questions!
Carl Nelson – 781-929-9095.
Email: wellesleycelebrations@gmail.com

May 17th & 18th, 2025