Wellesley residents contribute goods and gifts only they can offer. Sometimes these gifts come from second and third careers. And sometimes their gifts are just the inspiration they offer and the love they give.
This year, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a Standing Committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors, Adeline “Addie” Doherty for Dedicated Service.
Adeline “Addie” Doherty is a nearly lifelong Wellesley native.
Addie graduated from Wellesley High School in 1977 and Aquinas College in Newton, MA receiving her Associates Degree in 1979. She started working for the Director of Wellesley Department of Public Works, Pat Berdan in 1980.
She met the love of her life, Joe Doherty who worked in the Water Department (and who also recently retired after 40 plus years of public service). They were married, built a house on Oakdale Avenue, and raised all three of their children, Joseph, Jillian, and Bryan, in Wellesley all are now married and Addie and Joe have four grandchildren.
In 2010, she left the DPW to support the then Superintendent of Wellesley Public Schools, Bella Wong. After two years with Bella, she remained at Central Office, as assistant to current Wellesley Public Superintendent Dr. David Lussier for a total of 10 years.
Addie is well-known for her outstanding work ethic – always going above and beyond, she is patient and dedicated to her office and officemates. Always responding magnificently, with compassion, strength, and resolve. Her loyalty, wit, and warmth are traits appreciated by her work friends and her life-long friends. She really did help run the whole town, as she knew and was friends with just about everyone and everyone loves her so much.
Addie is a die-hard Bruins fan and hopefully this year her good will lead to Lord Stanley’s cup. Today, however, we thank her for all that she has achieved.