Herlda Senhouse

Herlda Senhouse with friends and family
Herlda Senhouse
Birthday Cake for Herlda Senhouse

Special Recognition Award

Herlda Senhouse was born before World War 1. She has lived through the Spanish Flu, the great depression, World War II and even Covid.

She brings our town 111 years of wisdom and truth and standing up for what’s right. While civil rights leaders marched in the 1960s for equality and against racism, activism showed up in Senhouse through her jazz dance shows. 

She founded what was Boston’s Clique Club, a social club of dancers and musicians to help educate Black students.

She helped countless Black students pay for everything from books to college tuition.

Today, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley, honors Herlda Senhouse its Special Recognition Award.

Last year, Wicked Local interviewed Herlda:

“I’ll be 110 this month and remember, anything you have today is a privilege to have it,” Senhouse said.

Before her joyous jazz days, she experienced some blues. Both parents died by the time Senhouse was 6. Half of her nine siblings were dead by then, too.

“We didn’t have any adults to raise us, so we had to raise ourselves,” Senhouse said.

She added, her older sisters did a great job going to work and raising her at the same time.

As for advice for living a happy, healthy long life? Senhouse says do your best to resolve issues, but if you can’t fix it, forget it, let it go — that’s how you get through life. Limit the stress.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen after 110.”

President Kennedy said, “It is not enough for a great nation merely to have added new years to life – our objective must also be to add new life to those years.” 

Herlda Senhouse has certainly added life to everyone in this town.

May 17th & 18th, 2025