Wellesley’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the mainstream of our economic hopes. The better she does for the town the better she does for all of us. Over the last several years we had one of the best. Sheryl Strother is retiring after an 18-year career with the Town.
Today we are proud to give her a new honor. Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors Sheryl Strother with its Dedicated Service Award.
The health of our community is reflected in her excellence.
Sheryl successfully managed the Town finances, balancing budgets that have increased every year – the Fiscal Year 2024 budget is just over $200 million. She implemented critical financial policies, and developed and mentored a talented and respected staff.
Sheryl was hired in January 2006 by former Wellesley Executive Director Hans Larsen. Throughout the years, she has worked closely with every Town board and committee, and department heads in Wellesley’s municipal government.
Sheryl played a critical role in the Town successfully emerging from the COVID pandemic with a strong balance sheet and record cash reserves. Her steady hand helped the Town build two new elementary schools – the new Hunnewell School and the new Hardy School – and completing an extensive renovation of the historic Wellesley Town Hall.
She attributes much of this success to the many people with whom she’s worked, thanking them all for “a memorable and wonderful career.”
While she admits she’s sad to say farewell, Sheryl is leaving Wellesley in great financial shape. Her future includes fewer meetings and a lot more time with her family and friends.