Linda Corridan
Dedicated Service Award
This pandemic demonstrates the ingenuity, dedication and hard work of nurses and shows that they are truly a beacon of light. In the words of President George H.W. Bush, “No problem of human making is too great to be overcome by human ingenuity, human energy and the untiring hope of the human spirit.” We salute all of America’s nurses.
Here in Wellesley, we have our own special nurse, Linda Corridan. Linda formerly the Head Nurse in the Wellesley School System, helpful with our Covid issue and responsible for the care of 5,000 + students ranging from 2.9 to 22 years of age and 1,000+ faculty and staff. Today, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors Linda Corridan with a DEDICATED SERVICE AWARD.
Linda has long list of accomplishments. Her great career spans over 40 years of nursing experience in a variety of clinical settings. This includes acute and intensive care, occupational health, nursing education, hospital-wide administration, and supervision as well as Director of Nursing Services, in the Wellesley Public Schools.
for the past twenty-two years. Linda’s experience was full display during the pandemic. She aligned the practice of the school nurses with public health nursing that helps focus the carrying out the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Wellesley Health Department guidelines to provide health and safety parameters in a school setting as well as for remote learners.
In these difficult times all the front-line defenders put their lives to provide healing and comfort for us, that’s what nurse Linda Corridan has done for us. Wellesley has enjoyed peace of mind knowing that this veteran nurse is steadfast and committed.
A grateful and healthier town thanks you.