David Chapin
Community Service Award
There is saying that to whom much is given much is required. This biblical reference invokes notions of leadership and service, qualities that each who volunteer to serve in our town demonstrate.
David Chapin has served 25 years on Board of Assessors. He left in March 2021.
This is many ways is most necessary and thankless job. Without our assessors we wouldn’t have schools to educate our kids. Or any of the essential services that make our life easier and our town so desirable. They make a meaningful difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.
With large thank you, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors David Chapin with its Dedicated Service Award.
David was well qualified for this unique role. He graduated from Dartmouth College with a degree in Economics. For over 30 years he worked with the Niles company in Boston. One of that cities, largest multi-family property owners. He left Niles and formed Chapin Properties. Bringing his unique skill sets of management and appraisal of commercial and multi-family properties.
Currently, he is Director of Senior Living Inc. in Wellesley.
The board of assessors is not a glamorous job. It’s a tough one, where wise decisions are vital. It takes some the smartest, hardest working, and most thoughtful and able people to make the right choices. David Chapin served with considerable sacrifice to themselves and his family.
We are fortunate to have such a well-qualified and thoughtful professional suit up every day. Thank you, David Chapin.