Community Service Award – Cynthia Scott

We are a prosperous town. But we are also rich in ideals and rich in compassion. We mobilize the helping arms of charities and churches, ministers, priests, and rabbis to save and change lives.

Recently, the Wellesley Food Pantry held a reception at the Wellesley Hills Church to celebrate the 17 years of service for departing director Cynthia Scott and wish her well as she embarks on a new phase in her life.

Today we formally thank her. The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors Cynthia Scott with its Community Service Award.

Cynthia first started volunteering at the pantry occasionally through the Wellesley Service League in late 2004 and then took shifts regularly beginning in 2007. She has since served as president and as the pantry’s longtime director of operations, overseeing nearly every aspect of how the pantry was run. She led the move of the pantry to become an independent charitable organization —a 501(c)3—in 2011. Cynthia has an extensive and intimate knowledge of how every aspect of the operation functioned and provided training and guidance on procedures, requirements, and needs.

Board member Terry Moy pointed out highlights of Scott’s impact noting, “Cynthia has always had a vision for a healthy and sustainable food availability for the pantry’s clients. From providing fresh produce, reopening during the summer months, to purchasing reusable bags for new clients just to name a few.”

Thank you, Cynthia Scott you lived the words of St. Francis – “where there is despair, bring hope.”

May 18th & 19th, 2024