We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those public servants who quietly do the job that makes our lives better. This is, after all, what the term public service is supposed to mean.
We are grateful for those who will do the work – day in and day out – never forgetting why they are here, and the vital role they play in supporting the community.
Don Newell has been an ambassador for public power. Don has served as the Director of the Town of Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (WMLP) since August of 2019. Prior to that, he served as the Assistant Director of Line Operations at the WMLP. Don has been with the WMLP since 1999, leaving briefly to work as Electric Manager of the Ipswich Electric Light Department in 2014, and returning to Wellesley in 2017.
He has embraced change and technology, ensuring a strong infrastructure for Wellesley’s power supply.
This has created a remarkable age of power.
Today he receives a new honor. Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors Donald H. Newell with its Dedicated Service Award.
He’s a 1989 graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. Donald also represented WMLP by serving on the Energy New England Board of Director’s from 2019 – 2023.
Thank you, Don, for a job well done.