Community Service Award

In our town community service is not only defined by the commitments one makes, but by the commitments one keeps.
Raina McManus served eight years on the Natural Resources Commission.
Her bold actions reflect an endless drive to protect the town we love and demonstrates than anyone with high aspirations can make a difference.
This year, The Wellesley Celebrations Committee, a standing committee of the Select Board, Town of Wellesley honors, Raina McManuswith a Community Service Award.
Raina is also a proud member of the Wellesley League of Women Voters, the Wellesley Conservation Land Trust, the Wellesley Club, and Sustainable Wellesley.
She led the effort to install the first community garden at Fiske elementary school 25 years ago and has been volunteering ever since.
Sustainability is Raina’s core principle and top priority for our community. By promoting environmental responsibility which reduces overall climate impact is a lasting gift for us all.
During her tenure her priorities included enhancing active and passive use in a cost-effective, environmentally-sound manner, which promote user enjoyment while protecting land, air, and water.
While we’ve lived through tremendous upheaval of Covid, Raina has been a steady force for good.
In Raina’s eight years on the Natural Resources Commission, she has learned what it takes to make things happen. She’s been a critical leader in all these successes:
- New public bathroom at Hunnewell Field
- Renovation of two girls’ softball fields
- Renovation of Perrin Park basketball & pickle ball courts
- Lights and restoration of Hunnewell Basketball Court
- Plastic Bag Bylaw
- Wellesley’s Organic Pesticide Policy
- Shoreline restoration of Morses Pond
- Restoration of Fuller Brook Park
Theodore Roosevelt said, “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value.”
The environmental changes facing us are contentious issues that required strong leadership. We are so grateful we had Raina McManus dedication working for us.